On 8-10th September Gaunson Creative Studios opened our doors to the public as part of Markfield Road Festival 2023 – a free festival celebrating creatives through art, music and discussion. The festival doubled its number of guests since last year and across the 3 days, Friday – Sunday, saw 5000 people attend. Over 50 of our artists opened their studios to the public and sold over £20k worth of work.
Huge thanks goes to everyone who supported, attended, performed, DJ’d, bought drinks, food & art, went to a panel talk or workshop, our dedicated staff, and all the artists that opened their studios.
The festival provided a platform for over 150 artists, creatives and musicians; delivered 6 free creative panel talks; 8 free workshops to over 250 participants including children’s craft, kids yoga, life drawing, creative schools workshops and a creative sound workshop; and the festival was staffed the festival with locals from Haringey.