Gavin Maughfling is a painter and occasional film maker and curator. His work explores queer identity, history and memory.
What’s your favourite medium to work with?
Oils on canvas and on gesso panel.
What does a typical day in the studio look like for you?
I pretty much arrive, make a coffee or pot of tea, change into painting gear, and then take a quick look at what’s on the walls and decide what I’m going to work on that day. After that, I just paint all the way through in a very focused kind of way with no or few breaks, until it’s time to clean up and go home.
What’s your biggest creative achievement?
My last solo exhibition, ‘The Heart is a Lonely Hunter’, at no format Gallery, London. Also the co-curation projects I did with Suzanne de Emmony, especially ‘Ghost on the Wire’, which we presented in London and Singapore, with artists from both countries.
What should we look out for?
I’m working on a project ‘Pull Back the Curtain’, with Steph Goodger and invited artists, exploring senses of unseen presences and events in empty spaces.