Anne Adamson‘s paintings are of imaginary spaces, often with the appearance of landscape and occasionally including figures on a journey to an unknown destination.
What’s your favourite medium to work with?
I’m currently working with oil on linen or cotton canvas, although I also use acrylic and ink.
What does a typical day in the studio look like for you?
My day in the studio always starts with a coffee while I look at how I left the paintings on my last visit. I’m usually working on two pieces at the same time. Once I’m in my overalls, I work steadily for a few hours. I quite often have a walk along the river to clear my head.
What’s your biggest creative achievement?
It’s always rewarding to see my work in an exhibition, and especially if it is selected for a prize.
An exhibition of my work that I was particularly pleased with was in the New Gallery at the RWA in Bristol. It was great to see pieces working together in a large space.
What should we look out for?
I’m hoping to exhibit a new group of paintings in the autumn, details as yet unconfirmed.